Thursday, October 31, 2019

Argument same sex marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Argument same sex marriage - Essay Example In this essay argument will be presented as to why same sex marriages should be allowed legally and socially. Religious arguments against Same Sex Marriages Religion is one of the first arguments of a person arguing against same sex marriages. Homosexuality is not sanctioned by religion simply because it is considered against God and nature. The way people define the term nature is the not correct. What is nature? Many years ago using medicines was considered unnatural. Tribes considered marriages outside the clan as unnatural. Surgeries were unnatural at first. Science was also termed as unnatural†¦ The point people miss here is the fact that any change is the society is not tolerated or accepted by its members. It is very difficult for the society to break away from the old practices. Basically as a whole we human beings want to preserve the status quo at all times. We cannot digest changes in the society very easily and this is why we are very quick to point anything ‘u nnatural’ simply because we think that it is not justified to break away from the social norms of the society. The issue here is that social norms are ever changing and they are evolving so how is it possible not to accept the change in these norms. Eventually all things we considered ‘unnatural’ like science, medicines, surgeries etc became a part of our life. So until this point we have established how society is quick to label things as unnatural simply because they are not in line with the social reality of the people. The idea that some things are ‘natural’ and others are ‘unnatural’ springs from our religious beliefs. Religion has a very influential role to play in our lives. Even if we are religious or not the effect of religion on our lives cannot be denied. The same religion feeds us with beliefs that some things are unnatural. Christianity for example considers homosexuality morally repulsive simply because it is against the wa y of the God. The church accepts that immoral acts can be committed in heterosexuality as well but at the same time dismisses homosexuality on religious grounds (Matthews, T. 1997). Any argument against homosexuality cannot be more superficial than this one. There are no rational justifications given against homosexuality but still people argue that it is immoral to be homosexuals on religious grounds. People may not believe in religion but still they forward religious argument because they have been made to think that change in the society which will result from same sex marriages would be disastrous. They are against same sex marriages for no rational reasons. They just have attitudes and beliefs for which they have no rational ground. We can easily reject this claim of the society that homosexuality and same sex marriages is unnatural and all arguments given on religious grounds can also be rejected because they hold no rational argument in it. Family System and Same Sex Marriage s Another argument against same sex marriages is that such practices will destroy the family system of the society. People argue that men and women are both important for the nourishment and upbringing of a child and absence of even one can destroy the life of a child. Especially two men are not considered good parents for their children (Gend, D. 2010). Because same sex partners cannot rear children in a good way same sex marriages should be banned according to these people. Here we can apply the utilitarian principle

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Art Analisys 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Art Analisys 2 - Essay Example Mary Cassatt’s unique mode of painting coupled with her interest in reproducing children portraits, grasped my attention during one of the recent visits to the National Gallery of Art, DC (National Gallery of Art, 2012). Consequently, this aroused my interest in her paintings because they contrasted with other numerous artworks in the art gallery, especially those of her male counterparts. In addition, after an intensive research I unveiled that she preferred featuring children in her paintings because they reveal their natural self contrary to the adults (National Gallery of Art, 2012). Besides Mary Cassatt being a woman, her paintings comprise the most praised impressionism artworks done by different reputable artists in her time (Harris & Cassatt, 2007). This is contrary to the past where women never featured anywhere in the male dominated field of art. The past â€Å"segregation† and negative perception towards women venturing in the field of art have recently yield ed to the rise of feminist movements, for example, "Guerrilla Girls" (Desmond, 2011). Material and Formal properties In this image, Mary Cassatt skillfully utilizes paint together with an oil canvas and brush, to show her prowess in transmitting ideas besides bringing out the aspect of impressionism (Harris & Cassatt, 2007). This is by selectively assigning all the objects in picture their respective natural colors, besides varying light’s intensity meant to show their different distances from the front position. For instance, despite the little child’s image tilted slightly from the center, it has high illumination compared to both the dog and rear objects (chairs) (Cassatt, 2008). Mainly, this is the painter’s unique technique to draw the viewers’ attention towards her focus, which is the little girl. Light should be emanating from the rear windows, but she goes ahead to provide her illumination (Harris & Cassatt, 2007). Consequently, this aids Mary Cas satt to bring out the aspect of naturalism represented by the little girl’s posture as she fidgets in the armchair, while in her private world of thoughts. The essence of negative space in this portrait is to create and emphasis on depth, which is apparent from the little girl’s position towards the rear windows. Hence, it contributes to the creation of harmony where the objects comprising the entire picture do not overlap disorderly (Cassatt, 2008). Content Mary Cassatt’s use of this image opens a window for the viewers to explore the lives of young children. The picture demonstrates that, children at certain instances become disinterested and bored despite being in the presence of things, which they usually treasure at their age. For example, in this image Mary Cassatt paints the little child with her favorite pet, next chair, in a beautiful room (Cassatt, 2012). However, not any of these things can sway the little girl from engaging in deep thoughts. This inf luences the viewer to start speculating what could be the thoughts of the little child, hence sharing in her world of thoughts. The image’s title also contributes to the mystery of the child’s thoughts, regardless of the viewer’s first influence by the image itself (National Gallery of Art, 2012). In addition, the essence of the sleeping pet in the next chair is to emphasis on what the little girl

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sustainable clothing consumption

Sustainable clothing consumption Sustainable Clothing consumption Introduction The word sustainability is derived from the Latin word sustinere which means to maintain, support or to endure. Sustainable consumption could be related to aspects such as sustainable development, production and consumption, globalization, etc. Sustainable consumption is the use of goods and services that satisfy basic needs and improve quality of life while minimizing the use of irreplaceable natural resources and the byproducts of toxic materials, waste, and pollution. Sustainable consumption related to textile has not yet received systematic research attention as a result of which there is no clear cut definition of it which prevails and is largely accepted. However, in lay mans term- sustainable textile can be explained as a textile which is environmentally, socially and economically sustainable for every player in value chain from the primary producer till end consumers. Consumers all over the world are increasingly becoming environment and health conscious and the demand for organic and eco-friendly products across all categories is boosting. Textile is no exception to this global trend. Consumer behavior is the key to the impact that society has on environment. The action that people take and the choices that we, as consumers, make to consume certain products and services or adopt a certain lifestyle have a direct or indirect impact on the environment and our personal or collective well-being. ( A few trends in consumption can also be outlined like increased and easy access to consumer goods and services (shopping malls, online purchasing, etc), intensity of advertising leading to increase in impulse gratification and increase in consumption, and availability of convenience goods. This is why the topic of sustainable consumption or green consumerism has become a central focus for national and international policy but in India our development model does not confirm to the parameters of sustainable consumption. Before its too late we need to work on it before ruining it like U.S and U.K facts and figures. What is Sustainable Clothing? Ideally this is clothing that maximises positive and minimises negative environmental, social and economic impacts along its supply and value chain. Clothing that is sustainable does not adversely impact people or the planet in its production, manufacture, transport, retail or end of life management. A range of practical examples of sustainable clothing are on the market. These vary in the level of sustainability improvement they achieve focusing on environment, fair trade and/or labor issues to varying extents. Some examples of actions to improve sustainability of clothing are: clothing made from certified Organic cotton, using non toxic dyes; detergents that enable us to use less energy when washing our clothes and are less polluting; washer and dryers using less energy; clothing reused at end of life on the second hand market; polyester clothing recovered at end of life to be remanufactured into more clothing; Fair Trade certified clothes enabling more equitable trading conditions, ensuring labor standards are adhered to in practice and preventing exploitation e.g. child labor along the supply chain. Why is it important? Sustainability is important because all the choices we pursue and all the actions that we make today will affect everything in the future. We need to make sound decisions at present in order to avoid limiting the choices of generations to come. The reasons for environmental destruction are mainly due to population levels, consumption, technology and the economic system. The issue in thinking about the global environment has less to do with population growth than it does with levels of consumption by those living. (Public understanding of sustainable clothing,n.d) Following diagram shows the environmental impact of clothing lifecycle. There are four stages of garment lifecycle beginning from raw material processing followed by its production and distribution and then its usage by the customer and finally the end life which could be waste or recycled. Clothing Lifecycle-its impact on environment The impact of clothing and textiles on the environment accounts for 5-10 per cent without any steps being taken to control the effect the percentage would increase. The processes involved throughout the entire life from production to consumption, contribute to emissions of greenhouse gases, farmland erosion, excess sewage, avoidable waste, and loss of species, to name only a few of the negative consequences. When combined these factors are responsible for enhancing the appearance and quality of our garments. Thus, the consumers should be aware of the impact of these processes on the environment. (Update on clothing roadmap, n.d) The textile industrys focus is on cheap productions and distribution of the garment without giving a thought to its impact on the environment. Another noticeable fact being the fast fashion trend i.e. excess buying by the consumer. And what goes unnoticed is the production of the garments may be unethical and large amounts of energy consumed in their processes; the garments not even being recycled or reused. Efforts are on by the green activist to impress upon all players in the supply chain that the carbon foot prints along the complete chain must be reduced to have significant impact on the environment. This involves the consumer. Research by M S and Otto group studying the lifecycle of cotton apparel shows that 80% of the garment industries energy and green house gas is actually in the hands of the consumer in the washing, drying and pressing stage. (Sustainability the only way forward for players in supply chain, 2009). The relationship between the green marketing movement and consumer behavior is an important topic to a wide range of subject areas. (Montero, 2009). Sustainability concept cannot be achieved without involving the consumer. The key role of consumer behaviour (and household consumer behaviour in particular) in driving environmental impact has long been recognized. In the end, it is the consumers who dictate where the market will go. Consumer wants and needs create a cycle of consumer demand, industry catering to that demand, and finally, consumer acceptance with the purchase of merchandise in the retail market. The overview of this study could assist in marketing efforts by the eco-friendly fashion lines and their knowledge of consumer behavior. It could also assist fashion apparel companies in determining whether or not to produce an eco-friendly line. Mahatma Gandhi said The earth has enough resources for our needs not for our greed. He propagated simplicity of life marked by compassion to overcome the evil of over consumption.

Friday, October 25, 2019

How Political Ideologies Shape Our Nation Essay -- Jack Sheldon, How a

Jack Sheldon’s, â€Å"How a Bill Becomes a Law† is lacking in several different ways. Not that the jingle doesn’t give you some sort of semblance of how a law is made. It just doesn’t give a detail account of the entire procedure. Very little is mentioned of how a bill is introduced to the House or the Senate. Legislation is handed to the clerk of the House or placed in the hopper. In the Senate, members must gain recognition of the presiding officer to announce the introduction of a bill during the morning hour. If any Senator objects, the introduction of the bill is delayed until the next day. When the song mentions how the bill is in committee, it doesn’t go into detail. The bill is referred to the appropriate committee by the Speaker of the House or the presiding officer in the Senate. Most often, the actual referral decision is made by the House or Senate parliamentarian. Bills may be referred to more than one committees and it may be split so that parts are sent to different committees. Each committee has steps to follow before releasing the bill. Failure to act on a bill is equivalent to killing it. Bills in the House can only be released from committee without a proper committee vote by a discharge petition signed by a majority of the House membership. None of this is in the rhyme. From committee, the bill is put on a calendar, where floor action will be made, debating is done. This is briefly stated in the tune. It doesn’t give the rules of debate. Then the bill is voted on. If passed, it is then sent to another chamber unless that chamber already has a similar measure under consideration. If either chamber does not pass the bill then it dies. If the House and Senate pass different bills they are sent to Conference Comm... ...think the same. They tend to reject other political ideologies. Conservatives don't see anarchism, for instance, as different; they see it as wrong. In conclusion, Political Ideology is dynamic and political culture is static. Political ideologies and political cultures are related in certain aspects. Political cultures are the basic rights people try and protect, whereas political ideologies are just more in depth and specific. These are very important aspects of a nation. The examples listed of each are pertinent with the subject at hand. They are basic, yet ideal in explaining political ideologies and cultures. Liberalism and Conservatism play a role in how our nation and government develop. With a majority of liberals in the government, our nation may make many changes, but with a majority of conservatives in the government, our nation may remain very static.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Dante’s Inferno Essay

On the evening of Good Friday in the year 1300, Dante is travelling through a forest, when he gets lost. In the morning, he finds a mountain and tries to climb it, but is stopped by a lion, a wolf, and a leopard. The spirit of the poet Virgil appears and offers to take him to the top of the mountain to Heaven when his love, Beatrice, is, but the way first leads through Hell. Virgil and Dante enter through the gates of Hell and see a crowd of people along the banks of the river. Virgil tells Dante these are the souls who neither sinned nor worshipped God, and are therefore rejected by both Heaven and Hell. Charon takes them across the river. The Second Circle is guarded by Minos and is the first of four rings in which souls are punished. In the Second Circle, the souls of the lustful are blown about by never-ending winds. In the Third Circle, the souls of the gluttons are soaked by heavy rain and clawed by the three-headed dog, Cerberus. Continuing downwards, they meet the entrance to the Fourth Circle, which holds the greedy. These souls must charge at each other with boulders repeatedly. Virgil and Dante next proceed to f the city of Dis. Dis is a city within the larger region of Hell, however the demon guards refuse to open the gates. A messenger arrives from Heaven to force the gates open for Dante and Virgil. The Sixth Circle of Hell holds the Heretics, and in this circle that Dante encounters Farinata, a rival political leader. A deep valley leads into the First Ring of the Seventh Circle of Hell, where there are three inner rings. The first is where those who were violent toward others spend eternity in a river of boiling blood. The second ring is for those who were violent toward themselves, and the third ring is for those who were violent toward God. The monster Geryon transports Virgil and Dante across a great abyss to the Eighth Circle of Hell, known as Malebolge, Here, there are also many layers. The first is for the panderers and seducers, who receive lashings from whips. The second is where the flatterers must lie in a river of human feces. The simoniacs in the third layer hang upside down in baptismal fonts while their feet burn with fire. The fourth layer is for the astrologists and diviners, who are forced to walk with their heads on backward. In the fifth layer, those who have accepted bribes are torn apart by demons. In the sixth layer, the hypocrites must walk in circles for eternity while wearing robes of lead. In the seventh layer, thieves sit in a pit of vipers and turn to vipers when bitten, and then regain their human form when they bite  another thief. In the eighth layer, Dante speaks to Ulysses who will spend forever with those guilty of Spiritual Theft. In the ninth layer, those of scandal walk in a circle with wounds that open and close repeatedly. In the tenth and final layer, falsifiers suffer from plagues and diseases of all kinds. Through the Giants’ Well, Virgil and Dante proceed to the Ninth Circle of Hell, which leads to a great frozen lake named Cocytus. Virgil and Dante are picked up and placed in the lowest region of Hell by the giant Antaeus. Like the previous Circles, the Ninth Circle of Hell also contains numerous different inner Rings. In the First Ring, those who betrayed their kin stand frozen to their necks in the lake. In the Second Ring, those who betrayed their country stand frozen to their heads. However, those who betrayed their guest are destined to spend eternity lying on their back in the frozen lake in the Third Ring. In the Fourth and final ring of the Ninth Circle of Hell, an eternity in complete icy submersion is given to those who betrayed their friends. In the center of this circle is the three-headed Lucifer. His body comes from the center of the Earth where he fell when God sent him down from Heaven. In each of Lucifer’s mouths are Judas, Cassius, and Brutus. Virgil instructs Dante to climb down Lucifer, and travel out of Hell and back onto Earth. They return to Earth on Easter morning. Analysis In the first canto, Dante uses the dark forest to express the flaws he saw in the world around him at the time Inferno was written. Also, when Dante encounters the leopard, the lion, and the she-wolf. The leopard represents fraud, the lion represents pride, and the she-wolf represents incontinence. Dante is most affected by the presence of the she-wolf because, while incontinence is the least severe category of sin, it is the one to which he is most susceptible. Christian symbolism is extremely prevalent throughout Inferno, and it is first introduced in the second canto. Hell is not just described as the underworld, but a place where sinners are punished for eternity. In the inscription on the gates into Hell, each part of the Trinity is represented. The â€Å"potency divine† represents God the Father, the â€Å"wisdom supreme† is Christ, and the â€Å"primal love† is the Holy Spirit. Along these same lines, the use of the Trinity is also used in the last canto, when we are  introduced to the three-headed Lucifer. The three heads could represent the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as well. In the fourth canto, Dante explains that Limbo is for those who have not been baptized, thus addressing one of the great moral problems of Christianity. Baptism is considered necessary to go to Heaven, but it does not seem fair that people who do not know of Christianity should suffer for something they have no control over. Dante takes care of this problem by keeping those who are not Christian in Hell, but giving them a much less painful fate by giving them eternity in Limbo. The timeframe of Dante’s Inferno is extremely relevant in terms of Christianity. Dante begins his journey through Hell on Good Friday and emerges and returns to Earth on Easter day. This means that he was â€Å"dead† for the time period following the crucifixion of Christ, and he has risen with him. To look further into the other religions represented in Inferno, the tower in the city of Dis that Dante refers to is a mosque, to further emphasize that anyone who does not believe in Christianity is a nonbeliever and should be in Hell. It is also interesting to look at the role Dante plays throughout Inferno. Throughout, it is clear that Beatrice has kept a careful eye on Dante’s progress and is prepared to intervene when necessary to ensure that he gets to her. In the first canto, when Dante is lost, Beatrice sends Virgil to guide him, and when Virgil and Dante are not admitted into Dis, Beatrice sent a messenger to let them in. Without Beatrice, Dante would be lost. She is the only reason he has a chance at making it to Heaven. Dante faints and weeps numerous times, further indicating his weakness and his reliance on Beatrice and Virgil. He expresses fear of the wild beasts in the first canto and of many of the other demons in the other circles. These weaknesses emphasize how little he does for himself. He follows the path that is laid out for him by Beatrice and Virgil, and does nothing more than that. In many contexts, Dante is held as a hero, but he is really just relying on others.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


High blood pressure medications Were the fourth most prescribed (1 1 percent) and vaccines Were fifth (1 1 percent). With the exception of medications for high blood pressure, the drugs were prescribed to both men and women across all age groups. For example, one in four teens now abuse or misuse a prescription drug at least once in their lifetime. However, there is no completely accurate way to measure prescription drug abuse. The number is not that important, but the fact that many people suffer from addiction to prescription drugs is.According to the findings of some research that this paper will examine, some of the prescription medicine can cause negative effects such as pain, physical penitence, addiction, tolerance, and death. A woman by the name of Judy Tomato was prescribed a strong antibiotic in t†. ‘ice a day for five days to shift her chest infection. Her doctor didn't mention any possible side-effects. Three days later Judy woke up with an all-pervading tight feeling in the backs of both calves. Her pain was so sharp even she could barely walk. After visiting a hospital, a local doctor suspected a ruptured Achilles tendon.She didn't realize that tendon rupture can be a side-effect of taking antibiotics. Five years later, she is still suffering persistent lower leg pain and other unexplained symptoms, including pain and burning in her lower legs. ‘ PRESCRIPTION MEDICINE ABUSE AND TENDS Every year millions of prescription pills enter the illicit drug market. Enormous amounts of people in the U. S. Use prescription drugs for the wrong reasons. Nationally, the federal government spends about $13. 5 billion on the drug war, but only $70 million goes to investigate prescription drug offenses.By having an accurate dosage, a high purity level, and a lower price, prescription pills have established a place next to regular street drugs. Medical offices and pharmacies help supply a large amount of these drugs. There is no glory in catching d octors and pharmaceutical companies involved in this illegal drug trafficking. Media coverage is small due to the fact there are no guns and no bundles of case for the world to see. Sometimes action is taken, but the results are usually small. Very few doctors, dentists, and pharmacists are prosecuted annually for prescription fraud.The evidence now conclusively points to the fact that Whitney Houston has been killed by the pharmaceutical industry. ‘Whitney Houston death must serve as an urgent reminder that pills are not the answer, and that those who seek to alter their moods, physiology or biochemistry through Big Pharmacy deadly drugs are only playing Russian roulette with their lives† said coroner officials. In a research of an estimated 10 prescription frauds, one doctor received a short sentence; the other nice pleaded guilty and were put on probation. Part of the problem is that medical practitioners are usually charged under laws carrying low prison penalties.Th e laws are written allowing health care professionals to escape serious drug trafficking charges, no matter how fraudulent. About 75% of physicians convicted Of prescription rug crimes got to keep their license. Medical and pharmacy board investigators are seeking more court orders to suspend licenses after someone is arrested. 3 Addiction to prescribed drugs or to those used in treatment is term iatrogenic. The most common drugs susceptible to addiction are those prescribed for psychological problems. Some act on the mind, having low potential for abuse and dependence.Examples are anti- psychotics, anti-depressants, and lithium salts. Other, like barbiturates and amphetamines, has high potential. Amphetamines Amphetamines raise mood, increase the sense of energy and alertness, and crease appetite. A few users react oppositely, becoming drowsy, anxious, and irritable. Some people feel the need to Stay awake for long periods Of time. Medical interns and long-distance truck drivers so metimes use amphetamines for this cause. The effects wear off after a couple of hours, leaving the abuser exhausted, drowsy, and depressed.The highly addictive methamphetamine is a chemical is a chemical similar to amphetamines, but it is much more potent, longer lasting, and more harmful to the central nervous system. Methamphetamine can be prescribed medically for ADD, extreme obesity, and narcolepsy. However, because of its high potential of abuse, it is legal only by a one-time, no refillable prescription. Most methamphetamine that sells on the street is made by small illegal labs from household materials. Methamphetamine can be synthesized easily. Intravenous use of methamphetamine is usual and tolerance occurs quickly.Larger and more frequent doses become required to achieve the desired effect. A very negative outcome could be that a paranoid type Of psychosis would develop. This would cause a loss of reality and delusions of persecution. Painlessness's Painlessness's are medi cations commonly prescribed to treat anxiety and anis attacks. They were first marketed in the sass and have become the depressant of choice in many medical practices. Considered safer and less addictive than barbiturates, they now account for about one in every five prescriptions for controlled substances.They are most commonly used to sedate, induce sleep, relieve anxiety and muscle spasms, and help prevent seizures. More than a dozen painlessness's are approved for use in the United States, including Lorena (Divan), laboratory (Asana), disappear (Valid), modally (Versed), and kaleidoscope's (Labium). Symptoms of chronic use include memory loss, irritability. Appetite Suppressants Most appetite suppressants are stimulants. Patters of use and abuse vary greatly. A therapeutic dose may result in chronic daily ingestion, while use of larger quantities may cause an individual to binge or spree.The more amphetamine, like the appetite suppressant, the greater the chance is of abuse. Sto pping the use of appetite suppressants can be difficult for abusers because of withdrawal symptoms like tiredness, discomfort, or depression. These problems have caused many doctors to Stop prescribing them. COMMONLY ABUSED DRUGS Prescription drugs help patients manage pain, restore balance, control sleep crosiers, and fight obesity. However, when abused they can be incredibly dangerous. Three commonly abused prescription drugs are depressants, stimulants, avoids.Barbiturates are some of the mostly commonly prescribed CANS depressants. Some like Membrane and Nebula are prescribed to treat anxiety, tension, and sleep disorders. Painlessness's like Valid and Asana are prescribed to treat anxiety, acute stress reactions, and panic attacks. Other painlessness's like Halcyon and Promos are used for short- term treatment of sleep disorders. All of these depressants produce a beneficial drowsy or calming effect. Else over a long period of time will result in tolerance. Larger doses will th en be needed to attain the original effects.Continued use can also lead to physical dependence and withdrawal. Both barbiturates and painlessness's have the chance of being abused and should be used only as directed. Amphetamines and caffeine are stimulants used primarily to delay the onset of mental and physical fatigue. Students studying long hours for exam, like athletes who feel the drugs will improve their performance, and workers who want to stay awake on the job often use stimulants. These drug compounds are often found in diet pills which, if issued to anorexia nervous.Anorexia nervous is a pathological loss of appetite thought to be psychological in origin that is manifested in extreme dieting and excessive thinness. Caffeine is also found in many beverages, pain medications, and allergy and cold remedies. Unusually high doses, or excessive use of stimulants over long periods Of time can lead to anxiety, hallucinations, severe depression, or psychological dependence. From a strong stimulant such as cocaine to nicotine in cigarettes and caffeine in coffee and cola drinks, stimulants are an intimate part of our lives.Avoids attach to proteins in the brain, spinal cord, and gastrointestinal tract and block the perception of pain. They can also induce euphoria by affecting the brain region responsible for our perception of pleasure, Morphine is often given to patients before or after surgery to alleviate severe pain, shares codeine is used for milder analgesia (pain relief) or serious coughs. When taken as directed, prescription avoids can manage pain effectively. Side effects can include drowsiness, nausea, and constipation.If taken in a large enough doses, however, prescription avoids can result in respiratory depression or even death. The medications are not meant to be used with other substances that depress the central nervous system such as alcohol, antihistamines, barbiturates or painlessness's, as the combinations increase the risk of life-threate ning respiratory distress. Long-term use or misuse can lead to physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms if use is suddenly stopped. Withdrawal symptoms include restlessness, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, and involuntary leg movements.Canada and Mexico both have less Of a problem with prescription drug abuse than the US. Canada did have about the same level of prescription opiate abuse as it did heroin abuse n 2009, while Mexico prevalence of prescription drug abuse remained low. PAIN MEDICATIONS, ADDICTION AND MISUSE What is the most common reason people go to the doctor? It is pain. Doctors all over the country wonder how they can prescribe accurate medications so the patient is relieved of pain without becoming addicted to that medication. Many doctors under-prescribe powerful painkillers.They overestimate the potential for patients becoming addicted to painkillers such as morphine and codeine. When doctors limit pain medication, thousands of patients suffer needlessly. Misuse of prescription and over-the counter (ETC) drugs can often lead to psychological and physical dependence. People use increased amounts of drugs to ensure a sense of well-being while treating unrelated illnesses or health problems, or for non-medical purposes. Many medications contain alcohol and narcotics such as codeine, which can be addictive and life-threatening.Use of alcohol, a depressant, with some prescription and over-the counter drugs may inhibit or increase the drugs effectiveness and cause a loss of coordination. Combining ETC drugs with some prescription drugs can cause the similar effects or even more harmful types of reactions. 4 Deficits in cognition, vision, hearing and strength, all of which commonly occur with the aging process, could increase the likelihood of medication misuse. For example, an elderly person who is forgetful may overuse or underused medications.Similarly, an elderly individual who has difficulty with reading the instructions on the vial or has di fficulty hearing verbal instructions may take medications in a manner that deviates from the original intention. Finally, an elderly person with diminished strength, or one who has painful arthritis, may overuse (to minimize the number of painful attempts to obtain medication) or underused (avoid taking medications) because of difficulties with the medication vial. 5 FUTURE INCREASE Medication misuse and/or substance abuse is a complex problem among elderly populations.There continues to be a perception that substance abuse and misuse in the elderly is not an important public health problem for society. Most of the emphasis has been placed on the study of younger populations without an appreciation of the unique problems presented by the elderly substance user. There is a need to develop a treatment infrastructure that is sensitive to problems of older substance users. This would include education of professionals as well as that of the public at large. CONCLUSION Prescription medic ine abuse is a modern-day disease that affects millions of our population.Sometimes people become addicted to painkillers and then start abusing them. Some even lie to their doctors to get more medication. A few of the drugs being abused are barbiturates, painlessness's, amphetamines, and appetite suppressants. If people are not careful, overdose of these drugs could kill them. Even though there is little coverage of prescription drug abuse, it is continually happening. It can and does affect many in various ways. Sometimes doctors, dentists, or pharmacists are involved in illegal drug trafficking.However, if caught they receive small sentences. The elderly are also involved in medication misuse. When they take the medicine, they don't always take the right amount at the right time due to loss of sight, hearing, and strength.